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Windows Explorer features made for Vista

Windows Explorer helps you manage your stuff (documents, settings, programs etc) and this is why it's important to learn the basics and some of the Explorer tricks.

In the image bellow you can see the basic features that Windows Explorer was equipped with:
Windows Explorer

Navigation Pane: this pane contains two sections: Favorite links - that provides access to some of your favorite links like Documents and Pictures - and Folders, which displays the location you are currently browsing.

Details Pane: detailed information (Date Modified, Au this, Size) about a certain file of folder is displayed in the Details Pane. You can also add you own tags and you own categories, which can help you when searching for that specific file/folder.

Preview Pane is located on the right hand side and it allows you to view to content of a file without opening it

Command Bar gives you the option to Organize your files and folders, change the View and even Print or Burn a file/folder on a cD/DVD Address Bar displays the location you are currently in and you can also type a URL and have the explorer display a web page

Search Box allows you to search files and folders on you computer

The Navigation, Details and Preview panes are optional and can be turned ON/OFF by clicking on Organize รข€“ Layout

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