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Turn off Windows XP Animations to speed it up

You can turn off window animation ("exploding" windows), displayed when you play around with minimizing/maximizing open windows. This makes navigating Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP a lot quicker, especially if you don't have a fast video controller, or if you got tired of seeing it all the time (like I did). :)
To do this, run Regedit (or Regedt32) and go to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Control Panel | Desktop | WindowMetrics
or if you are the only user of your Windows computer go to:

HKEY_USERS | .Default | Control Panel | Desktop | WindowMetrics

Right-click on an empty spot in the right hand pane. Select New -> String [REG_SZ] Value. Name it MinAnimate. Click OK. Double-click on "MinAnimate" and type 0 to turn OFF window animation or 1 to turn it ON. Click OK. Close the Registry Editor and restart Windows. Done.

TweakUI, the famous Microsoft Power Toy [110 KB, free, unsupported] can also turn off animated windows.
Just remove the check mark from the "Window Animation" box under the General tab.
Please Do comment..

Anonymous said... said:

June 22, 2008 at 1:09 PM

Or you can use

Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced (tab) > Performance Settings > Un-check “Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing”

Then when you click Apply/OK it will take effect without rebooting the machine.

Anonymous said... said:

June 28, 2008 at 2:07 PM

I personally find exploding windows the most annoying feature of XP and Vista. Well and good for XP; I got that licked. However I cannot find a similar PERMANENT hack for Vista. Problem: disable windows animation. Open Adobe reader through IE; all is well, all of a sudden Windows revert to animation and remain so until animation is disabled again in "system properties/performance..." . I am certain that Adobe does this somehow in conjunction with IE. Any of you Gurus have any idea?

With preventive apologies for this question. Best regards,


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